Mary's Family at Christmas

For most people, even those who have no belief in the Christ of Christmas, this special time of year is a time for celebrating family and friends – a time for starting over, for sharing memories and for building new ones.

And it’s no wonder. The true Christmas story began with a Child being born into a family – not only his immediate family, but into the family of mankind – for the sole purpose of bringing us into His.

Jesus came into this world for one fundamental reason. One reason He became a human, grew from a child to adulthood, taught us how to live, and then suffered a cruel death He knew in advance would be His. One reason… so you and I could be part of His family.

It’s all about relationship.

God sent Jesus to bridge the divide between a rebellious creation and a perfect Creator, so that He would no longer need to be distant from us. Imagine that! God did not want to be separated from the people He created.

Oh yes, Christmas is all about family – God’s family – and His unbelievable invitation for us to be adopted as kids of the King. And the amazing thing is we don’t have to “do” anything to earn this privilege. It’s a gift… a Christmas GiftChristmas gift. Just receive it.

Open your hands and your heart and let God give you the gift of Jesus, and the redemption and royal position that comes with being His.

This Christmas, as we all gather with our own families and friends, take time to remember why this “holiday” exists. It’s not because of the winter solstice or mere tradition. We celebrate Christmas because more than 2000 years ago, in a cold – dirty stable, God’s Son became part of our human family so that we could become part of His Royal Family.

What a Gift!  Will you receive God’s ultimate gift this Christmas? When you do, He will bring real JOY to your world.

Merry Christmas!


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