Come As You Are

More and more people seem to be going through difficult times these days. Have you noticed? Almost everyone I know is struggling in one way or another. While visiting with a hurting friend just last week our conversation turned to God. We talked about how He wants us...

Share Life’s Burdens ~ Choose Joy!

You’ve got to be kidding… choose JOY at this crazy time of year? If I didn’t think it would depress more than a few of us, I’d quote the number of shopping days left until Christmas! Okay I won’t. But I don’t have to tell anyone just how harried the next two months...

Life is Hard ~ Choose Joy!

Finding joy in the midst of life’s trials is a never ending search for most of us. And the fact is, God told us our lives would be filled with trouble! “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take...

Redemption ~ The Great Exchange

Do you believe it’s September? Here in the Atlanta area the kids have been back in school for a number of weeks already. They’ve exchanged their water “noodles” and sunscreen for school books and back packs. A wonderful exchange in Mom’s eyes, but maybe not so...